Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's cold as guess not, but it is still cold to an unholy degree.
Our house is heated by wood and about 70*F, but my nose is still cold.

School seemed to drag on FOREVER! Even my free blocks were so long that they ere boring. Everyone at the homeschool had to attend a Pep Rally, I don't know what the hell for. Maybe some Anti-Cold Cheer thing? I've never had to attend a Pep Rally, and I guess its a good thing. Acording to just about everyone, the schools Pep Rallies make you want to kill yourself. Everyone's packed together in a small gym that gets hot and smelly fast, while listening to Mr.Blueball give whatever pointless anouncement he has-for like two hours.

Ate an apple and watched "Growing up black leopard", good day! ^_^

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