Friday, March 20, 2009


Wow, I haven't posted for awhile.
Well, anyways....Tomorrow I head off to North Carolina for my interim. Im working with horses. I leave at around 8:45 am tomorrow (saturday), and get back next monday (Beats me). I'm really excited.
My fanfics are going well, I think....Well, I think they're going well...If other people don't like them, then they don't have to read my new chapters I add. =p

Sunday, February 15, 2009


So, my throat hurts like hell, my head is throbbing, I feel like I'm burning up yet freezing cold at the same time.
I've noticed this lately, I've been getting sick alot. In the last, like, 4 months, I've been sick around 5 times. Anyone?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Not Fair

Ok, this is getting to be a problem.
I have no social life, and for one main reason.
My older brother is so imcompetent and irresponsible that, whenever Mom and Dad are away, I am always the one that has to watch them.
I can't go hang out with friends, I can't go for a walk, I am pretty much bound to the house...all the while my older brother is out making an ass of himself with ALL OF his friends.
I know Mom and Dad depend on me because Harrison's such an ass, but I'm getting fed up with taking all that shit from Harrison.
All Harrison does is go through the freezer/fridge and eat whatever he pleases, even if he knows it for some upcoming dinner, and dish out death threats to our youngest brother Greg.
A few days ago, Harrison was talking about how much he hates Greg, then went off about how, when he finally snaps and gets a gun, Greg(who keep in mind is only 7) is going to be the first one he kills by shooting him in the face.
This is fucking ridiculous!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Don't get me wrong

Under my skin, there is a restlessness.
The restlessness to be away from here, away from the roar of sleepless roads and ceaseless sirens.
I want to be out were the sun is shinning, the air is pure, the water is clear, were lush ferns uncurl their tendrils, were each step stirs up the smell of the earth. Here, the smell of the cars over crowd and snuff out the sweet floral scent of flowers with new crisp petals.
Is this really "Civilization"? What is so civil about it? Turn on the News, and the first thing you get is about a double homicide...pathetic....embaressing...there is nothing civil about the way many people act. I'd rather take my chances in a true jungle than in this one made of hard concrete and icy steel. Maybe that's the problem, we spend so much time in these concrete jungles, away from the sun and trees, that we too are becoming like the very buildings we have imprisioned ourselves in. Grey, harsh, emotionless, plain, like every other of its kind.
I will not be a slave to this "Civilization".
I will not be caged by this "Civilization".
I WILL be free of this "Civilization", even if I have to go to the ends of the Earth to do so.
Everybody want's everything, but I have figured out a way I might actually get it. The problem I see is everyone else wants material ob jects, and you will never have everything.
I think I can have my way because I don't want that sort of thing. I want the warmth of the sun on my skin, clear water to see the bottom, mud under my feet, scents in my nose, vision in my eyes, sounds in my ears. Most of what I want, I already have anyways, you see.
I wouldn't care if the government made my dreams illegal, I would still follow them. I would run away to join my Blackfoot ancestors, I would run to join my African ancestors. I'd rather be a Tribe Warrior then a "Civilized" person.
I want to farm, not to make copies for someone who wouldn't even remember my name.
I want to run wild with the wolves, not run after taxis.
I want healing of my own, not to be pumped full of chemicals.
I want to be happy, there will be no half-way or compromise to that.
I will decide when I am happy, that is for no one else to decide but me.
And I will not be truely happy until I have cured this restlessness and have my place.
I WILL excape this "Civilization", not matter how high the wall is.

Monday, February 2, 2009


So, I was just reading a study about how baby chimps out-smart baby humans.
Was that test really needed? Do baby chimps wear diapers? Do they crap on themselves? bored and found this, not sure how to hyperlink it, so suck it up. =p;_ylt=AqMpj35JvxqZelwS9tdDqVOej5Z4

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just so you know

AWESOME! Arena schedualing went awesome! Not only did my classes work out, I had a low number so I got into all the classes I needed.
I made it into "The Secret Life of Plants (SLOP)" and a class taught by a student called "This Class Sucks", A class about Vampires in Literature.
After school, Miso and I went to see Underworld, Rise of the Lycan. I smuggled in chipotle. Ahh, the joys of a day that just works out smoothly

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today at school

So, school was going great today, for a Mid-term day of course. Everything was fine up until around 2PM, when Mel got Wayne out of our Mythbuster class, telling him to hurry. As the door closed, I heard Mel say something about Larry.
Soon, an ambulance pulled to the front of our school and they took the stretcher/gurney thing out of the back and up the stairs.
When I next look out the window, Larry, our history teacher, is being put in the back of the ambulance.
I won't go into detail, but apprently Larry had a seizure.
Everyone's really wound up and upset.
Rachel was crying back in the nook.
Miso, who was in the class when it happened, was really upset and wanted to be alone.
I hope Larry's ok and comes back....

Monday, January 19, 2009


So, today dad finally got the internet working again, so I better keep writing.
Yesterday, Jacob and I finally met. It was fun, he even got me to watch Batman; Dark Knight, and play some shooting game I never got the name of. I was surprisingly good at the game and could even choose my own weapon, I prefer the rifle.
Midterms tomorrow, NOOOOOOO! I am NOT ready for my Bess or my US midterms. 200 questions on the Bess exam and I have to write four essays in two hours for US. DAMN! And I still havent prepared a speech for my Speech final!!!
NOOOOOO! Everything's slipping through my fingers!
Why can I seal my fingers enough to hold water, but never enough to hold time?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Me and my goth boots

So today, Mom, Greg, and I all went to VOA and Ohio Thrift.
Guess what I got. That's right. For $0.90, I got one of those ferret ball thingies, where the ball turns and it looks like the ferret is chasing it.
I got a gargoyle candle, a new addition to my gargoyle collection...I's kinda weird.
And finally, coming in at $2.99, my very own pair of low goth boots. Awesome, huh. Mom didn't think they would fit me, but by some act of luck, they're just my size (My size being about a 10-11)! They have a slightly elevated heel, meaning I can actually walk in them without falling flat on my face like I did at school in those high high heels....they haunt me now.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Due to watching a few old kung fu movies and seeing a special about how kung fu was developed from watching animals in nature, I have decided I want to learn Monkey Style.
I would like to learn either Lost Monkey or Crafty Monkey.
During Monkey Kung Fu, every now and then, you just stop and "play", meaning you scratch at your ear or pretend to eat a bug or drink water. I figured, 'Hey, I do this stuff anyways on a daily basis, why not apply it to a way that can be used as self-defense?'
Monkey style uses alot of 'False movments' and changes stance often to keep an opponent from getting a foothold in the confrontation, fooling and deceving at every opportunity.
"A Monkey personality must be good at bluffing and unpredictable, able to destroy an opponents attacks."-That sounds like me, right?

Anyone know a place to learn this? Drive past a certain studio chain?

Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's cold as guess not, but it is still cold to an unholy degree.
Our house is heated by wood and about 70*F, but my nose is still cold.

School seemed to drag on FOREVER! Even my free blocks were so long that they ere boring. Everyone at the homeschool had to attend a Pep Rally, I don't know what the hell for. Maybe some Anti-Cold Cheer thing? I've never had to attend a Pep Rally, and I guess its a good thing. Acording to just about everyone, the schools Pep Rallies make you want to kill yourself. Everyone's packed together in a small gym that gets hot and smelly fast, while listening to Mr.Blueball give whatever pointless anouncement he has-for like two hours.

Ate an apple and watched "Growing up black leopard", good day! ^_^

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Busy Day

So, let's start somewhere simple.
First, school was let out at one due to all the snow creating slick conditions.
Second, our worms for our composting got here today.
Third, we got cable and I've already found Animal Planet.
And Fourth, I have a cell project due tomorrow I only just started.
Yay for procrastination.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This is always fun

I could survive for 1 minute, 3 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor


So, I've finally created a blog (not counting that other one)!
Don't expect an exciting post everyday, or even an exciting post, most of what I post will most likely be some of the crazy mixture, or soup as I shall call it, of ideas in my head.
May the forks be with you.